You can collapse and expand provisions in the Editor which can make it easier to work on specific provisions without being distracted by others and can help with performance. In Lawmaker this is called “folding”.
Large documents with most of their provisions folded will also perform better in the Editor than the document with all provisions expanded.
By default, documents will open in a folded state if there are over a certain size. When you save or refresh your document over that sizeWhen you first open a document, all provisions will be folded apart from the one containing your cursorunfolded but you can quickly fold all provisions if you want.
Provisions than can be folded are shown in the Editor with a small triangle to their left. The provisions that can be folded are:
Group of Parts
Cross headings
Schedule Parts
Schedule Chapters
In Bills, sections and schedule paragraphs
In SIs, regulations/articles/rules and schedule paragraphs
In amendment lists, any quoted structure within an amendment
How to fold or expand particular provisions
Click on the small triangle to the left of the provision to fold or expand the provision depending on its current state, e.g.
How to fold or expand a provision