In the provision that is to contain the multiple quoted structures, insert the first quoted structure as normal. For example, if you are want the provision to contain a number of definitions to be inserted at the appropriate place, insert a quoted structure with a starting element of “definition”. Equally if you want the provision to contain a number of separate table rows, insert a quoted structure with starting element “table”.
In the quoted structure dialog box, set the following text to any punctuation you want to be included at the end of quoted structure.
Once the quoted structure has been inserted, select it by clicking on Quoted structure in the breadcrumbs.
Press Ctrl+c to copy the quoted structure.
Place the cursor after the end of the quoted structure, e.g. next to the punctuation you specified to be included in the following text.
Press Ctrl+v to paste the quoted structure. You should now have two quoted structures starting with the same element type one after the other.
To add punctuation after the additional quoted structure, right-click within the quoted structure and select Update quoted structure properties. Add any required punctuation into the Following text field and click Update.
Repeat this process to create further quoted structures as required.
Update the content of each quoted structure with the text etc. that you require.