The purpose of the list is to enable the first house to consider all the changes made to the bill by the second house. If members in the first house disagree with any of those amendments, they can then propose motions to disagree with or amend the second house’s amendments during the Ping Pong stage.
As each phase of Ping Pong proceeds, further Consolidated Lists are produced by each house which do not include the any amendments which have already been dealt with (that is, agreed to, agreed to as amended, or not insisted upon by the second one house after the first other house’s disagreement).
These Those later iterations of the Consolidated List include further “messages” - i.e. Reasons, insistence, non-insistence, amendments to motions, and amendments in lieu , - which appear after the relevant each amendment in the Consolidated List. For these “messages” to be included on the Consolidated list they must have been first tabled as Ping Pong motions, debated and agreed to by the relevant house.
The first consolidated list contains all agreed amendments from the second House from all amending stages.