- Motions will be inserted after the element that your cursor is in
- Resolutions are used for Programme Motions
- You can use the insert menu (CCA) to create structure in your resolution using number format 1 or (1) and inserting paragraphs (a) and (i) as appropriate.
- You can also insert tables into resolutions using the upper tool bar "Tools > Insert table". To insert another paragraph after the table, place your cursor after the paragraph before the table and click 'Enter' to access the insert menu. Select the appropriate paragraph and it will be inserted after the table.
- The first resolutions inserted into a Commons Marshalled List or Commons Proceedings, will be inserted as the first element in the list. Subsequent resolutions will be inserted as siblings after the first resolution in the list.
- When you use 'Update List' to refresh your list with new/updated amendments, your motions and resolutions will not be touched.
- You cannot insert motions or resolutions into Lists of Draft Amendments (LoDAs)
- Orders cannot be inserted from the CCA. First you will need to insert a resolution and then convert it into an order
- You can build up the structure of a resolution by clicking in the 'text' placeholder element to insert paragraphs and tables
- You can update the 'proposer' of a motion or resolution by clicking on the blue placeholder which will open an 'Update proposer' dialogue box allowing you to select from a list of Commons Members.
- You can change the order of motions/resolutions or orders in the list by using 'drag & drop' in the Structure view