How to delete a provision
Select the provision that you want to delete by:
Clicking on the provision in the breadcrumb; or
Clicking on the provision(s) in the structure view
Click on the ‘backspace’ button
The selected provision (and any descendent provisions) will be deleted.
Info |
Hints and tips Delete tables using the breadcrumb only. Select the first “table” element in the breadcrumb to completely remove the table (to the left of the “foreign” element) You can multi-select provisions from the structure view using Ctrl + mouse click to select more than one contiguous, sibling provisions and use the ‘backspace’ key When you click on the provision either in the structure view or from the breadcrumb, it will highlight the provision, including any descendent provisions so that you can see exactly what will be removed when you select ‘backspace’. Do not highlight provisions using the mouse cursor in the Editor to delete as this will not always reliably delete the whole provision You can undo and redo a delete by using the undo button or keyboard shortcut Ctrl + z and Ctrl + y respectively You can delete individual elements within a provision e.g. a num element by clicking on the individual element in the breadcrumb (place your cursor in the element in the Editor) and clicking ‘backspace’ key. This will delete only the selected element but leave behind the rest of the provision.