This warning alerts you to any external references which could not be associated Lawmaker was unable to associate with a relevant document on legislation.gov.uk during the automatic Tag x-refs process. The error message will only ever apply to external references.
This warning may appear when re-tagging a document - that is, re-running the automatic Tag x-refs function again on a document which already contains references. The warning will appear if you have made changes to the text of your document in a way which causes the meaning and implicit target of certain references to change. The warning alerts you to references which originally referred to a particular provision of a document, but which now (after re-tagging) refer to a different document, usually because something else has changed nearby which affects the context in which that reference appears.
For example, a provision of a Bill which makes amendments to enacted legislation will often introduce those amendments by stating that “the [Act name] is amended as follows”. The other subsections or paragraphs which follow will contain references to the provisions in that Act without explicitly stating after each reference that it is a reference they are references to the same Act. Automatically tagging such a provision in Lawmaker will correctly identify that the references in the other subsections/paragraphs are to provisions in the Act introduced mentioned in the introductory text. If you then subsequently change the text which introduces the Act so that it instead refers to a different Act, and re-tag the provision, the references in the other subsections will be flagged for checking. The screenshots below show an example of this:
The purpose of this document check is to alert you that the any automatically tagged references have changed which have been updated due to a change of context and ought to be checked.
To check them, you can double-click on each one to bring up the floating toolbar, then click Go to ref to go to the target of the reference.
If the reference still appears correct to you, go to the Document Checks pane on the right-hand side of the Editor screen, locate the entry relating to that reference (clicking on each will highlight the relevant reference in the Editor), and click the ‘Confirm reference is valid’ quick-fix option:
Alternatively, double-click on it the text of the reference to bring up the floating toolbar, select Edit ref, and in the modal scroll down and change the Status from ‘Check' to ‘Valid’. The Then click Save to save the changed status.
If the reference target appears incorrect to you, it is advisable to re-read the provision in which the reference appears and consider why the target of the reference has changed . - there may be a good reason why the target has changedbeen updated. If you still aren’t sure why the target is incorrect, you may then choose to delete the reference and re-create the reference it manually , (for example if it is an internal reference which has been incorrectly tagged as an external reference). Alternatively, you can right-click on the reference and choose ‘Ignore reference’ to remove the link and also exclude the reference from further consideration by any re-tagging operations.
Multiple reference tags (mref) should surround two or more references. The tags should be removed if they contain only one or no references.The target of internal reference ____________ cannot be found in this document. It may be in another document or have been deleted. (Target ID: _________)
A range reference element (rref) should contain two references. The element can be removed if it contains only one or no references.
Unable to automatically update the cross-reference _________ because of a change in the target provision (Target ID: __________). To fix, remove the reference tag and then re-tag the provision or re-insert the reference.Both of these warnings relate to reference tags which may not be needed and which should be removed from your document.
mref and rref tags are automatically added to your document where there are references which contain a range of target provisions or a combination of references to provisions at different levels of a document, or partial ranges. The tags are necessary for the correct functioning of Lawmaker’s automatic tagging function, but in rare cases they can sometimes end up left behind in inappropriate locations, usually where a reference originally contained several component parts but now only consists of a single reference to a specific provision.
The Document Check pane provides a quick-fix option which will remove the unnecessary mref or rref tags: