Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



You can insert a


range of


pre-formatted tables into your document.

How to insert a table

Place your cursor in the provision that you would like to insert your table after. Note that this can include Parts, Schedules and other non-text provisions.

Select to insert a table by:

  • Right-click menu


  • Insert table

  • From the upper tool bar, select Insert > Insert table

Specify your table


properties in the dialogue box that appears


  • Number of rows and columns

  • Whether you want to specify column widths (%)

  • Styles and formatting (for table number, caption, row header and all cells under the header row)

  • Page set up (repeating headers, table width and alignment), and

  • Border options (there are 5 pre-set formats)


. See Table properties below.

Click Insert when you’ve selected your criteria.

Lawmaker will insert the table on the line below the text in your provision.

Creating back-to-back tables

You can create back-to-back tables by:

  • placing your cursor inside an existing table, and

  • inserting a table as usual using the ‘How to insert a table’ instructions above

The new table will be inserted after the existing table.

To change the order, you can use the structure view to drag and drop the tables into a new order.

How to update table properties

With your cursor in the table, select to update table properties by:

  • Right-click menu select Table > Update table

  • From the upper tool bar, select Insert > Update table

Specify your changes in the dialogue box that appears. See Table Properties below.

Click Update when you’ve specified your criteria.

Lawmaker will update your table.

Table properties



Number of rows and columns

  • Set at table insertion and cannot be updated. To add more rows / columns after table insertion, see 'How to insert additional rows or columns' below.

Column widths

  • Auto-size according to content - set column width depending on the amount of text in column cells, minimising line breaks.

  • Specify


Styles and formatting (for table number, caption, row header and all cells under the header row)


Page set up (repeating headers, table width and alignment), and


Border options

Click ‘Update’ when you’ve specified your criteria


  • Column Widths (%) - determine column width manually. Use figures accurate to two decimal places that sum to 100 (e.g. 33.33 and 66.67).

Styles and formatting

  • Table number - include/exclude a Table number. This creates a number element that can be renumbered like provisions (see Numbering).

  • Table caption - include/exclude a Table caption and set its alignment in the document and styling.

  • Header - include/exclude a Header row in the table and set the text alignment and styling.

    • Text in a Header row can be aligned differently to text in the table body.

    • The header row is included in the row count.

  • Cell - set alignment and formatting of text throughout the table body.

  • Font size - set font size.

  • Row spacing: Compact reduces spacing between rows

  • Hyphenation: Automatic introduces hyphenation when a word splits over two rows. This can reduce the appearance of text being ‘squished’ in narrow columns.

Page setup

  • Header displayed on all pages - if checked, this will be included in row count on all pages.

  • Table width - in 10% increments up to 100% of the page width.

  • Table alignment

Border options

  • Choose from five pre-set formats.

    • NB: what appear here as faint lines will be invisible lines in the document.


If you have a table with lots of text which has ended up being ‘squished’, and you want to improve formatting and readability, try:

  • reducing font size (e.g. to 8)

  • setting Row spacing to Compact

  • setting Hyphenation to Automatic

  • experimenting with Specify column widths (%) - e.g., increase the width of a column that generally has more text in

Inserting table content

It is possible to fill in a table cell with either plain text or structured content.

To type plain text, simply click on the ‘Text’ placeholder and type.

Structured content

With your cursor in the Text placeholder, press the Enter key to bring up the Content Completion Assistant.

Select the desired content to insert as you would when inserting provisions in the main body of the document.

It is possible to insert, for example, paragraphs, sub-paragraphs, and quoted structures in a table.

See the relevant sections of this user manual under Drafting and Editing for further information.


Inserting table notes

Lawmaker does not currently support the insertion of table notes (i.e., notes referenced within cells and placed at the end of a table). However, as a workaround, they can be replicated.

See Managing Footnotesfor information on replicating the appearance of table notes.

How to insert additional rows or columns

With your cursor in the appropriate cell, select to insert a row or column by:

  • Right-click menu select Table > Insert row before/Insert row after/Insert column to the left and insert column to the right

  • From the upper toolbar, select Insert > Insert row before/Insert row after/Insert column to the left and insert column to the right

The system will insert the appropriate row/column to your table based on your cursor location.

If you insert a new row with your cursor in the table header, you will create a new row within the header.

How to delete a row or a column

With your cursor in a cell in the selected column/row, specify you would like to delete the column or row by:

  • Right-click menu select Table > delete row/column

  • From the upper toolbar, select Insert > delete row/column

The system will delete the selected row/column based on the cursor location.

If there is only one column or row left in the table, deleting it will delete the whole table.

How to delete a table

Place cursor in the table that you want to delete.

Click on


Tbl block


in the breadcrumb or select


table from the structure view.

Image Modified

Press delete or backspace on your keyboard.

The system will remove the table completely from your document.

How to merge, unmerge and split cells

Merge cells:

Highlight the cells you wish to merge


. Right-click and select Table > Merge cells

How to unmerge cells

Highlight the cell you wish to unmerge (vertically or horizontally or both)

Right-click and select Table > Unmerge cells


Hints and tips

You can create back-to-back tables by:

  • placing your cursor at the outer right-hand edge of the table so that the breadcrumb is ….> Content > Tbl block > foreign > table

  • using the right facing arrow key, move forwards 3 presses so that cursor is now inside the ‘content’ element and breadcrumb reads …> Content

  • now insert a table as usual using the ‘How to insert a table’ instructions above

  • the new table will be inserted after the existing table

  • to change the order, you can use the structure view to drag and drop the tables into a new order.  

It is possible to insert tables directly into Parts, Schedules and other non-text provisions

The row count includes the header row.  If you uncheck header in the styles and formatting, the row count will decrease by 1

If you delete the last column or row, you will delete the entire table

If you place your cursor in the header row, you can insert another row that is a header by selecting ‘insert row above’ or ‘insert row below’

It is possible to insert structured text in the table cells e.g. numbered lists including quoted structures

If the text looks squashed in the PDF it could be because the column width you specified is too narrow.  You will need to adjust the column width to correct the text formatting.

The PDF line counting will count each line of text within a row, including repeating headers

You cannot merge the first row of your table with the header row (vertical merge).  If you want to merge two cells in the header, you will need to insert another header row by placing your cursor in the header row and inserting another row before/after which will insert another row classed as a header row.


You cannot vertically merge cells in the header row with rows below. To merge cells in the header, first insert a new row in the header (see above).

Unmerge cells:

Right-click in the cell you wish to unmerge. Select Table > Unmerge cells

Splitting cells: It is not possible to directly split a cell that was not previously merged.

However, you can work around this by creating additional rows or columns (see above) and merging these, except the cells you wish to split.