It is possible to select a list to open in the Editor to allow you to view or edit amendments depending on your permissions.
How to open an amendment list in the Editor
From the ‘Official Lists’ tab, select the list you want to open and Select Open document in Editor from the drop-down menu
The system will load the Editor and display the selected list
Hints and tips
The list will open in read only or editable format depending on either the document-level permissions or if the document is a snapshot version or has been published
The amendment list is presented in a similar format to printed amendment lists but without any page-related furniture (e.g. page numbers, running headers) or print layout (page width and page breaks)
You can open more than one document at any time as they open in separate tabs
You can only have one document version open in editable format at one time, if you open the same document version more than once, subsequent versions will be opened in read only format to avoid confusion when editing