Feature Summary
Several requests have been made for Document Checks to pick-up various issues in Footnotes, that prevent SI’s from being successfully registered.
They are:
- Extend the leading/trailing space check to include figure spaces created by user entering a double space in a footnote - see LMS-2561 Resolved
- Ensure that SI and SSI citations are well-formed, e.g. not missing any full-stops - see lms-2629
- Check for incorrect spacing in chapter no - lms-1102
Detailed Description
https://lawmaker.atlassian.net/browse/LMS-2561 - A couple of spaces were inserted before the year
https://lawmaker.atlassian.net/browse/LMS-2629 - Paragraph 1 of the attachment - a missing fullstop after the “I” in “S.I” in a footnote
https://lawmaker.atlassian.net/browse/LMS-1102 - Incorrectly formatted chapter numbers.
Status | Awaiting development |
Lawmaker components affected | Footnotes, Validation Rules |
Raised by organisation(s) | TNA |
Planned version to be included in (if any) | v.16.1.0 |
Related development ticket(s) | LDAPP-4342 |