
It is possible to use promote or demote to change a provision into the next logical provision up a level (for promote) or down a level (for demote) e.g. changing a paragraph into a sub-paragraph and vice versa.  This is designed to be a quick way of changing a provision into a new type if required. 

How to promote a provision

  1. Place your cursor anywhere in the provision you wish to promote (num, heading or text element) and;
    1. using keyboard shortcut, click ALT + [ 
    2. from right-click context menu in Editor view and Structure view, right click and select Promote element
    3. from upper toolbar, select ‘Tools > Promote element’
  2. The selected provision will be promoted into the next valid provision.

How to demote a provision

  1. Place your cursor anywhere in the provision you wish to demote (num, heading or text element) and;
    1. using keyboard shortcut, click ALT + ]
    2. from right-click context menu, right click and select Demote element
    3. from upper toolbar, select ‘Tools > Demote element’
  2. The selected provision will be demoted into the next valid provision.

Hints and tips