
When a new project is created, the Bill does not include front and back covers.  These can be inserted at any point when drafting the document in the Editor.  The front cover also contains the table of contents by default.

How to insert the front cover

In the Editor, from the toolbar select Insert>Insert front cover.

A front cover and table of contents will be inserted at the beginning of the document. Any existing cover and table of contents will be replaced.

The cover inserted will depend on whether the document is a Bill or an Act.

In an Act:

How to insert the back cover

In the Editor, from the toolbar select Insert>Insert back cover.

A back cover will be inserted at the end of the document. Any existing cover will be replaced.

You can only insert a back cover for a Bill.

The contents of the cover are derived from other parts of the Bill and details entered into the Document Information panel:

Deleting the front or back cover

To delete the front or back cover, select it either from the breadcrumb or using the structure view and press Backspace as you would delete a normal provision in the document.

Hints and tips

  • If you just want to update the table of contents, use the Insert table of contents menu option instead - see Inserting table of contents.

  • Lawmaker will take a lock on the whole document to insert the front or back cover.