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Copy of Promote / Demote - A simple guide

You can use Promote or Demote to change a provision into another type of provision, depending on its position in hierarchy.

  • Use Promote to move the provision up the hierarchy, ie: change a sub-paragraph (a) to a paragraph (1)

  • Uses Demote to move the provision down the hierarchy, ie: A paragraph (1) to a sub-paragraph (a)


The simplest way is to Right Click on the provision you want to change and select Promote or Demote from the menu.

You can also access these features from the Tools menu at the top of the editor

Or use a keyboard short-cut, pressing Alt+[ {or promote) and Alt+] (for demote)


Lawmaker will move the provisions up or down the hierarchy depending on your selection, as long as it is valid and will give an error if not. The error may prevent you from performing the action or present a document check error, which you may need to fix before moving the Documents to it next stage.

There are rules on how Promote/Demote work, which are detailed on the following pages.

  • Promote

  • Demote

Try to promote or demote a provision to get he format you want. If the result is not as expected the Use the Undo function, and try an alternative.

Insert empty provisions above/below the provision you are trying to change and then try promote/demote/ Delete the empty element the done.

Keep an eye on the document checks to ensure you have note created invalid content.


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