You can insert footnotes in any document type, although it’s only used for SI/SSIs.
How to insert a footnote
- Place the cursor where you would like to insert a footnote and insert one by:
- Selecting ‘Insert > Insert footnote’ from the upper toolbar, or
- Right-click and select ‘Insert footnote’
- Keyboard short-cut Alt + f
- The system will insert a footnote where your cursor is
- To add text to the footnote, click on the footnote marker (an asterisk in the Editor, but will convert to a letter in the PDF rendition)
- To hide the footnote, click on the footnote marker again
How to delete a footnote
- Place your cursor in the expanded footnote and select “Footnote” from the breadcrumb and click on ‘backspace’
Hints and tips
- You can add an additional paragraph to your footnote by using the keyboard shortcut ‘Shift + Enter’
- When your document is printed, the footnote markers will convert to (a), (b) etc. restarting their numbering on each new page.