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You can import legislation from into Lawmaker to create a new working version. You can import a whole document or part of it (e.g. a specific section).

The URL must be from .

How to import a document from

  1. On the Project tab, click on the Document actions drop down menu

  2. Select Import from

  3. Paste the URL of the document you wish to import within the URL field

  4. Select a folder and enter a version description for your new document

  5. Click the Import button

Lawmaker will validate the URL to check that it is a URL and that it is a piece of legislation. If it is, a new working version will be created on the Project tab.

What can you import? (valid URLs/documents)

The feature only imports pieces of legislation from

You can import any Primary, Secondary, Draft and EU legislation.

You can import any version of a piece of legislation: original (as enacted), latest available (revised), or any point in time.

If the URL contains the keyword /contents, for instance , then the whole document will be imported (rather than the actual contents page).

If the URL contains a keyword for a specific part, for instance , then only the specified section will be imported

You cannot import:

  • Associated documents

  • EU Treaties

  • Impact Assessments

  • PDFs

Convert Document to match the format of your project

When importing a document from , you have two choices:

  1. To import the document as it is, retaining its original format (e.g.: importing a EU regulation into a SI project will import the document retaining its EU elements).
    This can be useful for citing/referencing purposes (e.g. to insert a section into a quoted structure). To choose this option, untick “Convert document to match the format of this project”.

  2. To convert the document to match the format of the project the document is being imported into (e.g.: importing a EU regulation into a SI project will convert the EU document into SI elements). This option is ticked by default.

When importing a document of the same type of your project, you can have the “Convert document to match the format of this project” either ticked or unticked.

Non-imported elements

The following are removed when importing any document type:

  • Signature block

  • Editorial notes about amendments

  • Table formatting

The following are removed when importing EU­­­ documents:

  • Preamble

  • Attachments

Elements not yet supported

We are still developing and refining the import feature. This means that there are a few elements that are not yet supported and, therefore, are not currently imported or are imported incorrectly. These are:

  • Images

  • Table footnotes

  • Landscape pages

Converting EU legislation to UK/Scottish Bill or SI/SSI

  • EU articles become sections in UK/Scottish Bill, regulations in SI/SSI

  • EU article paragraphs become subsections in UK/Scottish Bill

  • Paragraph numbering style changes to match UK/Scottish Bill and SI/SSI style

  • EU annexes and appendices become individual separate schedules. The word “Annex” / “Appendix” is replaced with the word “Schedule” and they are numbered sequentially. However, the original number information is retained and inserted as part of the heading. For instance,
    “Appendix II
    Continuing Airworthiness Arrangement”
    “Schedule I
    Appendix II - Continuing Airworthiness Arrangement” 

Converting Act to SI and vice versa

  • Act sections become regulations, rules or articles

  • Act subsections become paragraphs 

  • No labels