You can can record Origin information against provision in bills which can be used later to generate the Table of Origins.
How to insert/update Origin information
Place the cursor in the provision that you would like to insert origin information against and preform any of the following actions:
open the Insert menu from the upper toolbar and select Insert Origin Note
press Alt+Shift+o on your keyboard
right-click on the text of the provision and select Insert Origin Note from the right-click menu.
An empty Origin note will appear at the end of the selected provision:
Type the origin information into the Text placeholder. You do not need to add the word ‘Origin’ at the beginning - this will be added automatically when generating a PDF which includes Origin information.
Click the ‘(origin)’ label to show or hide individual notes.
If you need to expand or collapse all origin notes in your working version, click the Tools menu on the upper toolbar and select either Show all Origin Notes or Hide all Origin Notes.
Hints and tips
You can also show origin information in the PDF; see Generating and viewing a PDF