In Bills (and Acts)
Provision | Conditions | Rule |
Subsection or Schedule subparagraph Definition Step |
There is a sibling of the same kind immediately before the provision and Contains no sub-sub-paragraph child elements | Provision will be ‘demoted’ into a paragraph, copying over any text If the provision had child elements, they will remain child elements with the following additional change:
| |
Paragraph | Provision will be ‘demoted’ into a sub-paragraph, copying over any text If the paragraph had any child elements, these will remain child elements with the exception that a sub-paragraph would be converted to a sub-sub-paragraph | |
Sub-paragraph | Provision will be ‘demoted’ into a sub-sub-paragraph, copying over any text | |
Closing words | Provision will be ‘demoted’ into a sibling of the provision immediately before the closing words, copying over any text. |
Provision | Conditions | Rule |
Paragraphs with numbering format (1) or Schedule subparagraph Definition Step |
There is a sibling of the same kind immediately before the provision and Contains no paragraph child elements with number format (aa) | Provision will be ‘demoted’ into a paragraph with the numbering format (a), copying over any text If the provision had child elements, they will remain child elements with the following additional change:
| |
Paragraphs with the numbering format (a) | Provision will be ‘demoted’ into a paragraph with the numbering format (ii), copying over any text If the paragraph had any child elements, these will remain child elements with the exception that a paragraph with the numbering format (i) would be converted to a paragraph with the numbering format (aa) unless they are children of a child definition or step | |
Paragraphs with the numbering format (i) | Provision will be ‘demoted’ into a paragraph with numbering format (aa), copying over any text | |
Closing words | Provision will be ‘demoted’ into a sibling of the provision immediately before the closing words, copying over any text. | |
Bullet lists | there is a sibling of the same kind immediately before the bullet list being demoted | The bullet list item and all its child bullet list items will be demoted to become a bullet list at the level down |
Paragraph lists in Explanatory notes and Preamble | there is a sibling of the same kind immediately before the provision and Contains no paragraph child elements with number format (aa) | The paragraph list item and all its child paragraph list items will be demoted to become a paragraph list at the level below – converting the numbering e.g. from (a) to (i) and (i) to (aa) |