Demotion rules

Demotion rules

These are the detailed rules that govern how the demote function works in Bills, Acts and SI/SSIs. See Promoting and demoting provisions for general help.

Bills and Acts




Subsection or

Schedule subparagraph



There is a sibling of the same kind immediately before the provision and

Contains no sub-sub-paragraph child elements

Provision will be ‘demoted’ into a paragraph, copying over any text

If the provision had child elements, they will remain child elements with the following additional change:

  • Sub-paragraphs will be converted ‘down’ a single level


Provision will be ‘demoted’ into a sub-paragraph, copying over any text

If the paragraph had any child elements, these will remain child elements with the exception that a sub-paragraph would be converted to a sub-sub-paragraph


Provision will be ‘demoted’ into a sub-sub-paragraph, copying over any text

Closing words

Provision will be ‘demoted’ into a sibling of the provision immediately before the closing words, copying over any text.





Paragraphs with numbering format (1) or

Schedule subparagraph



There is a sibling of the same kind immediately before the provision and

Contains no paragraph child elements with number format (aa)

Provision will be ‘demoted’ into a paragraph with the numbering format (a), copying over any text

If the provision had child elements, they will remain child elements with the following additional change:

  • Lower level paragraphs with numbering format (i) will be converted ‘down’ a single level unless they are children of a child definition or step

Paragraphs with the numbering format (a)

Provision will be ‘demoted’ into a paragraph with the numbering format (ii), copying over any text

If the paragraph had any child elements, these will remain child elements with the exception that a paragraph with the numbering format (i) would be converted to a paragraph with the numbering format (aa) unless they are children of a child definition or step 

Paragraphs with the numbering format (i)

Provision will be ‘demoted’ into a paragraph with numbering format (aa), copying over any text

Closing words

Provision will be ‘demoted’ into a sibling of the provision immediately before the closing words, copying over any text.

Bullet lists

there is a sibling of the same kind immediately before the bullet list being demoted

The bullet list item and all its child bullet list items will be demoted to become a bullet list at the level down

Paragraph lists in Explanatory notes and Preamble

there is a sibling of the same kind immediately before the provision and

Contains no paragraph child elements with number format (aa)

The paragraph list item and all its child paragraph list items will be demoted to become a paragraph list at the level below – converting the numbering e.g. from (a) to (i) and (i) to (aa)


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