You can insert footnotes in any document type, although it’s only used for SI/SSIs.
How to insert a footnote
Place the cursor where you would like to insert a footnote and insert one by:
Selecting ‘Insert > Insert footnote’ from the upper toolbar, or
Right-click and select ‘Insert footnote’
Keyboard short-cut Alt + f
The system will insert a footnote where your cursor is
To add text to the footnote, click on the footnote marker (an asterisk in the Editor, but will convert to a letter in the PDF rendition)
To hide the footnote, click on the footnote marker again
How to delete a footnote
Place your cursor in the expanded footnote and select “Footnote” from the breadcrumb and click on ‘backspace’
Hints and tips
You can add an additional paragraph to your footnote by using the keyboard shortcut ‘Shift + Enter’
When your document is printed, the footnote markers will convert to (a), (b) etc. restarting their numbering on each new page.