Subjects, extents (territorial suffix) and subsubjects in the preface can be easily updated through a dialogue box giving you the option to select from the approved list from the SI Registrar.
How to insert Subject, extend and subsubject
Click on the blue placeholder “Subject”
The system will open a dialogue box
To add a new subject, click on the Add Subject button
Select a subject from the drop-down list - you can type in the first few characters to find subject more easily.
Select an Extent if applicable
If the subject you need is not listed, you can create one by typing it into the Subject box in the dialogue box.
If there is a subsubject you want to add, click on the Add button under the label “Subsubject”
Select a subsubject from the drop-down list
Repeat step 2.c if you wish to add more subsubjects
When you have added your Subject, click Add button
If you want to add another subject, click Add Subject again
When you have finished adding/updating subject information, click on Add
Lawmaker will update the Preface with your specified Subject data
How to update Subject, extent and/or subsubject
Click on the blue placeholder “Subject”
The system will open a dialogue box
Click on the pencil button next to the Subject you wish to update
Make required changes and click on Edit button
Repeat these steps to update other Subjects
When you have finished updating the subject information, click on Add
Lawmaker will update the Preface with the changes
How to delete Subject information
Click on the blue placeholder “Subject”
The system will open a dialogue box
Click on the ‘x’ button next to the Subject you wish to remove
If necessary, repeat to remove other subjects
When you have finished updating the subject information click on Add
Lawmaker will update the Preface with the changes
How to delete Subsubject information
Click on the blue placeholder “Subject”
The system will open a dialogue box
Click on the pencil button next to the Subject you wish to remove the Subsubject from
Click on the ‘x’ button next to the Subsubject you wish to remove
When you have finished updating Subsubjects click on Edit
When you have finished updating Subjects, click on Add
Lawmaker will update the Preface with the changes
Hints and tips
You can add your own custom Subject or Subsubject entries if the one you need does not already exist, by typing in the subject field, but this must be approved through the usual process with the SI Registrar