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Test Case

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Scottish Amendments test setup


Login as a SP user

Create a Scottish Bill project (Public Bill > Government Bill)

From the Actions menu next to the working version, click ‘Update Document Information’ and change version rubric to "As introduced"

From the Actions menu, generate a PDF of the working version and choose to ‘Record snapshot’

From the Actions menu, publish the PDF

Able to generate a PDF

A new significant version is created

On the Amendment Workspace tab, there is one option in the top-left workspace filter: ‘As Introduced’



Login as a PCO user and create LoDA for Scottish amendments

Amendment Workspace Tab - working with draft amendments


Login as a PCO user

Navigate to the Scottish Bill project

Create a new list of draft amendments

Specify the "as introduced" version

Specify "stage 2"

Specify a list name

Select a Proposer

Editor window opens containing the draft list of amendments template

Bill name appears at the top of the template

Stage matches what I specified in the modal

Proposer matches what I specified

The list is visible on the Amendment Workspace tab



Create some Scottish amendments (you should create several amendments in order to test other amendment features later in the script)

Inserting pre-populated amendments - Scotland


In the Editor, place your cursor in an amendment

Press Enter and select an amendment from the CCA

The amendment appears in the Editor

The proposer is the same as the proposer of the previous amendment

An entry appears in the Structure view



Amend proposer and add supporters in a Scottish amendment

Managing proposers and supporters


With the LoDA open in the Editor

Click the name above the amendment to open the ‘Manage Proposers and Supporters’ modal

Update the proposer and supporters for an amendment

Able to open the ‘Manage proposers and supporters’ modal

Able to search for names to add

Able to add the names and click Update to close the modal

The updated proposer and supporters appear in the Editor



Save the LoDA

Saving your document

The new amendments are assigned D-numbers in the form PCO1, PCO2 etc.



Generate PDF of Scottish amendment LoDA with D-numbers


Generate a PDF

In the Generate PDF modal, select to show D-numbers

A PDF is generated

There is a message to say that it was generated successfully

The PDF contains the D-numbers of each amendment



Set amendments to 'On hold'

Set 'Draft' amendments to 'On hold' (and vice versa)


From the 'Amendment Manager' tab, select the draft amendments you want to put 'On hold'

Click on the 'Amendment Action' drop-down menu at the top-right of the screen and select Set 'Draft' to 'On hold'

Amendments will be updated to 'On hold'

Able to put amendments On Hold

Unable to Submit an amendment which is On hold



Submit Scottish amendments


From the Amendment Manager tab

Select some of the amendments

From the Amendment Actions menu, select ‘Submit amendments’

Selected amendments are submitted

Success toastie displays

The amendments' Status shows as ‘Submitted’

The amendments become read-only for the PCO user (you can test this by opening the LoDA containing the submitted amendments)



"Submit Amendments" using the button on the Doc Info panel in the Editor


From the Amendment Workspace tab

Create a new LoDA and draft some simple amendments

Save the list

Expand the Document Information panel on the right-hand side of the screen

Click the Submit List button

Able to submit amendments using the button

Success toastie displays

Amendment status is updated to ‘Submitted’

The amendments become read-only for the PCO user



As a SP user, view submitted Scottish amendments in a temporary list

Opening amendments in the Editor (creating temporary lists)


Login as a SP user

Navigate to the bill project

Go to the Amendment Manager tab

Select the submitted amendments

From the Amendment Actions menu, select ‘Create temporary list’

Editor opens, showing a list containing all the selected amendments

The amendments are editable



Table and reject Scottish amendments

Tabling UK amendments (incl. 'ready for publishing')


With the temporary list open in the Editor

Click inside the text of one of the amendments

Open the ‘Amendment status’ pane on the right-hand side of the screen

Click the Tabled button to update the status of the amendment

Click inside the text of a different amendment

Click the Rejected button to update the status of the amendment

Save the list

Able to click the Tabled and Rejected buttons

After saving, the amendments' Statuses are updated to the appropriate values - either Tabled or Rejected



Bulk update Scottish amendments


With the temporary list open in the Editor

From the Amendment Status pane on the right-hand side

Click the Bulk update Statuses button

Choose some amendments which are still just ‘Submitted’

Choose to transition them from submitted to Tabled

Click Update

Save the list

Able to open the Bulk Update Statuses modal

Able to transition the amendments to Tabled

Success toastie displays after clicking Update

After saving, the amendments' statuses are updated (check in the Editor, in the Amendment Status pane, and check on the Amendment Manager tab too)



Lifecycle Event

Undoing an amendment status/managing lifecycle events


With the list open in the Editor

Place your cursor in the first amendment in the list and click on the Amendment Status panel on the right-hand side

Click on the 'Manage lifecycle events' link

The system will present a dialogue box listing all the recorded ‘events’ or statuses linked to the amendment.

Add, delete or update an event

When you have finished making the changes, click on the Update button

Save the list

Able to add a lifecycle event to an amendment

Able to remove a lifecycle event from an amendment

Able to update an existing lifecycle event



Create Daily List


From the Amendment Manager tab

Click the Amendment Actions menu and select ‘Create Official List’

Select ‘Bill version’ > As Introduced

Stage> Stage 2

Give the list a name

Pick today’s date as the cut-off date and pick a cut-off time slightly in the future

Click Create

New Official List opens in the Editor containing all Tabled amendments

Interstitial headings are present between the amendments, stating the Section or Schedule the amendment relates to



Move amendment on daily list using structure view

Able to move amendments using the structure view



Create order of consideration for Scottish amendments



Generate PDF of Daily List from the Official Lists tab


From the Official Lists tab

Click the Actions menu next to your daily list

Select ‘Generate PDF’

Leave all default options and click Generate

Green success toastie appears

PDF snapshot is created under your official list

You can open and view the PDF

The PDF contains all the amendments which were visible in the Editor



Publish daily list


From the Official Lists tab

Click the ‘Actions’ menu next to the PDF snapshot under your Daily list

Click ‘Publish version’

In the warning modal, click Publish

Warning modal is displayed

After confirming, a new significant version is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen



Create Second Daily list with new amendments


From the Amendment Workspace tab

Create a new LoDA and add some more amendments to it

Save the list

Use the Bulk update Statuses button to Submit and Table the amendments, saving the list after each status update

Close the list

From the Amendment Manager tab

Click the Amendment Actions menu and select ‘Create Official List’

Select ‘Bill version’ > As Introduced

Stage> Stage 2

Give the list a name

Pick today’s date as the cut-off date and pick a cut-off time slightly in the future

Click Create

A new list opens in the Editor containing the new amendments

The new list does not contain any amendments from the earlier published list



Daily list cut off time test


From the Amendment Manager tab

Click the Amendment Actions menu and select ‘Create Official List’

Select ‘Bill version’ > As Introduced

Stage> Stage 2

Give the list a name

Pick today’s date as the cut-off date and pick a cut-off time in the past before you tabled the new amendments

Click Create

The list does not contain the new amendments (because they were tabled after the cut-off time)



Add a note to a Scottish amendment

Inserting an amendment note


Open a LoDA from one of the previous steps

From the Insert toolbar menu, select ‘Inert Amendment Note’

Type some text into the placeholder and save the list

Able to add the Amendment note placeholder

Able to add some text to the placeholder



Amendments to amendments in Scottish list


From the Amendment Workspace tab, create a new LoDA

Draft a new amendment to one of the amendments which appeared on a published Daily List, e.g.

As an amendment to amendment 2, line 10, leave out <some words>

Save, submit and table the amendment

From the Amendment Manager tab, create a new Daily List

The new amendment-to-amendment appears on the Daily List

The amendment the A2A is amending also appear in the Daily List



Create a new amendment, submit it, table it, and mark it as ‘Withdrawn before debate’


From the Amendment Workspace tab, create a new LoDA

Draft a new amendment and save the list

Submit the amendment from the list

Use the buttons on the Amendment Information pane to Table the amendment

Save the list

Use the buttons on the Amendment Information pane to mark the amendment as ‘Withdrawn before debate’

Save and close the editor

Able to mark the amendment as ‘withdrawn before debate’

Status shows correctly in the Editor window (in the amendment information pane) and on the Amendment Manager tab



Create a Scottish Marshalled List


From the Official Lists tab

Click Create

Choose ‘Marshalled’ from the list type drop-down

Bill version > ‘As Introduced’

Stage > ‘Stage 2’

Pick a list name and choose today’s date and time slightly in the future

Click Create

Marshalled list opens in the editor

List contains all amendments with the status of ‘Tabled’

Withdrawn amendments are not included on the list

The amendment-to-amendment appears immediately after the amendment it’s amending

Amendments which have not appeared on any of the earlier published lists have an asterisk next to their number



Generate PDF of Scottish Marshalled List


From the Document menu on the toolbar in the Editor

Select Generate PDF

Ensure ‘Record snapshot’ is ticked

Click Generate

Green success toastie appears with a link to the generated PDF

On the Official Lists tab, a PDF snapshot exists in the list of version snapshots under the green working version of your list

To check the formatting, compare the generated PDF with this file: Marshalled List of Amendments for Stage 2 (



Publish Scottish Marshalled List


From the Actions menu next to the PDF snapshot, select Publish version

In the warning modal, select Publish

New significant version is created on the right-hand of the screen



Create manuscript list (selective marshalled list)


On the Amendment Manager tab, select one or two amendments

From the ‘Amendment Actions’ menu, select ‘Create official list’

In the modal, select ‘manuscript list’ and Stage > Stage 2

Click Create

The list opens in the Editor

It contains the amendments you selected on the amendment manager tab



Create a Groupings list


From on the Official Lists tab

Click Create List

In the modal, select ‘Groupings’ and give it a unique name and click Create

In the Editor, click on the Heading placeholder and enter some text

Click or press tab to go to the next placeholder and type some amendment numbers separated by commas (use some made-up amendment numbers as well as ones that have been generated previously on earlier official lists)

Repeat the above steps to create more headings and sets of numbers

Place your cursor in the heading “Amendments already debated” and click Enter and select ‘Group’

Click on the placeholder Heading and enter some text

Click or press tab to go to the next placeholder and type some numbers separated by commas

Repeat a couple of times

Place your cursor in a group of numbers, press Enter and select Timings.

Enter text in the timings placeholder

Right click on the editor (or click on the Insert menu in the toolbar) and select Populate Groupings List (you may need to scroll down to see this option if using the menu)

Able to create a Groupings list

Able to add text to the headings placeholders

Able to add amendment numbers

Able to populate the list with the relevant amendments using the Populate Groupings List function



Generate PDF of Scottish Groupings list


In the Editor, from the Document toolbar menu

Select Generate PDF

In the modal, ensure ‘Record snapshot’ is ticked

Click Generate

Green success toastie appears witha clickable link to the PDF

PDF snapshot created under the working version for your groupings list

Compare the output with this example to check formatting and appearance of amendments: Groupings of Amendments for Stage 2 (



Publish Scottish Groupings List


On the Official Lists tab, in the list of snapshots under the working version

Click the Actions menu next to the PDF snapshot created in the previous step

Select ‘Publish version’

Able to publish the list

New significant version is created on the right-hand side of the Official Lists tab



Marking amendments as 'agreed to'


From the Amendment Manager tab, use the filter to only show ‘Tabled’ amendments

Select some of these and click the ‘Amendment Actions’ menu

Choose ‘Create temporary list’

With the list open in the Editor, expand the Amendment Status pane on the right and click the Bulk update Statuses button

In the modal, choose ‘Tabled to Agreed to’

Save the list

Able to update the status of the amendments to ‘Agreed to’



Creating a scripted marshalled list


Duplicate the Marshalled List and give it a unique name and select Create

Open the list in the Editor and Place your cursor at the point you want your first script box to appear after and press Enter to access the Insert menu (CCA)

Select “Script” and click Enter to insert it

Add appropriate text to the heading and text

Repeat elsewhere in the document. With your cursor in the script heading, select ‘heading’ from the breadcrumb and delete to leave only a text box with no grey header

Insert a script box before the first interstitial heading, move your cursor so that it is in ‘List Body’ (use block tag view or check the breadcrumb as you use the arrow key to move the cursor through the different levels of elements)

To add space between the paragraphs of text, use ‘non-breaking white space’ selectable from the ‘insert special character’ button in the upper tool bar

Able to create a scripted marshalled list with script boxes

Able to remove the headings from some boxes to leave only the box outline

Able to add non-breaking white spaces in between paragraphs to control the spacing


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