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This Quick Reference Guide provides guidance on how to manage amendments to amendments (A2As) in Lawmaker to ensure they are correctly sorted, numbered and applied with ease.

Example of an amendment to amendment

This is an example of an amendment whose target is a new clause amendment.


How to draft an amendments to amendment

Amendments to amendments must be drafted in a traditional Lists of Draft Amendments (LoDA) as inline amending has not been configured to work in the context of an amendment. See How to draft traditional amendments (in a traditional LoDA)

Step 1: Draft A2As in a traditional List of Draft Amendments (LoDA)

 Detailed steps to create an amendment to amendment in a traditional LoDA
  1. On the Amendment Workspace tab, select the +New button

  2. Select Traditional amendment type and provide bill version, stage and list name

  3. When the list loads in the Editor, click Enter to view the pre-populated amendment options and select Amendment - Amendment to amendment

  4. Update the italic note (Lawmaker refers to this as the Amendment Context) according to whether the target amendment was a new clause amendment or a page-line styled amendment (see the examples below)

  5. Update the amendment instruction with the required amendments referring to the provisions in the target amendment

  6. Click on the proposer blue placeholder and add the proposer’s name or title as appropriate

Step 2: Update the location information for the A2A

This will ensure the amendment is correctly sorted when an amendment list is generated. It is also useful when there are more than one amendment to the same target amendment.

 Detailed steps on updating location information for amendments to amendments
  1. Still in the Editor, place your cursor in the A2A you wish to record location information for

  2. Open the Amendment Information right-hand panel

  3. In the Location table update the Location, Provision, Page and Line fields using details from the target amendment (see )

  4. Also update the Sort Code according to how any other amendments there are sharing the same target amendment e.g. f there is only one A2A, its sort code will be 2 and the target amendment would be 1 (see )

  5. WAIT A FEW SECONDS until the spinner has run before you save your changes

Step 3: Update the sort code of the target amendment (NIA user only)

This has to be done by an NIA user as the target amendment will have been published and will therefore be editable only by NIA users. The target amendment’s sort code will always be 1. Adding a sort code ensures it will be correctly sorted when the Marshalled List is generated.

 Detailed steps on updating location information on the target amendment
  1. Find the target amendment on the Amendment Manager

  2. Select it and open it in a temporary list (Amendment Actions > Create temporary list)

  3. In the Editor, place your cursor in the target amendment

  4. Open the Amendment Information right-hand panel

  5. Update the Sort Code with 1

  6. WAIT A FEW SECONDS until the spinner has run before you save your changes and close the list using the Close Editor button

Example Location table entries

NB: Type is usually populated using the information in the A2A’s instruction e.g. Leave out x and insert y would be Type = Substitute. For simplicity I have left it blank in the table below.

Target amendment

Amendment to amendment’s location information

New Clause

After Clause 2 insert—


Location = after

Provision = sec_2



Sort Code = 2

Sort code: assumes there was only 1 amendment to the target amendment (the target amendment would have a sort code of 1)

New Schedule

Before the Schedule insert—


Location = before

Provision = sch



Sort Code = 2

Sort code: assumes there was only 1 amendment to the target amendment (the target amendment would have a sort code of 1)

New Schedule

After Schedule 2 insert—


Location = after

Provision = sec_2



Sort Code = 2

Sort code: assumes there was only 1 amendment to Sort code: assumes there was only 1 amendment to the target amendment (the target amendment would have a sort code of 1)

Clause 1, Page 1, Line 2



Provision = sec_1

Page = 1

Line = 2

Sort Code = 3

Sort code: assumes there were 2 amendments sharing the target amendment, the other A2A would have a sort code of 2 and the target amendment would have a sort code of 1)

Schedule, Page 40, Line 23



Provision = sch

Page = 40

Line = 23

Sort Code = 4

Sort code: assumes there were 3 amendments sharing the target amendment, the other A2As would have the sort codes 2 and 3 and the target amendment would have a sort code of 1)

Schedule 2, Page 40, Line 22



Provision = sch_2

Page = 40

Line = 22

Sort Code = 2

Sort code: assumes there was only 1 amendment to Sort code: assumes there was only 1 amendment to the target amendment (the target amendment would have a sort code of 1)

Avoid referring to the clause number in the amendment instruction as this would be used to update the location table when you saved your changes. As new clause and new schedule numbers include letters e.g. 3A, this causes an issue when using the location to sort the amendments in an amendment list as letters are not recognised. It is best to refer to subsections/schedule paragraphs or any other lower-level provisions inside the target amendment.

A2As and the Notice of Amendments

When you generate a Notice of Amendments, you should check that all A2As have been given the correct location information. You can initially do this from the Amendment Manager as it displays the Location information and Sort Code in the table, however it is easy enough to make any corrections in the Editor with the Notice of Amendments loaded.

Whilst the target amendment won’t appear in the Notice of Amendments with the A2As, it would be a good time to also double-check that the target amendment’s sort code has been updated to 1. You can do a quick check by looking at the Amendment Manager as there is a column for the Sort Code. See for instructions on how to update it if needed.

A2As and the Marshalled List

It is preferable for all A2As and target amendments to be correctly updated before generating the Marshalled List as it saves you from having to re-run the list after correcting any location information. If you know you have some A2As, double-check that the Location information and the Sort Code information is correct using the Amendment Manager as there are columns for the Location and Sort Code. If you spot a mistake, open them in a Temporary List to make any edits.

If you do make changes to your amendments after viewing the Amendment Manager, make sure you refresh the Amendment Manager to see those changes.

Applying A2As to the target amendment

A2As cannot be automatically applied to their target amendment using Lawmaker. You need to manually update the target amendment with any agreed A2As before applying the target amendment to the bill.

Step 1: Update the target amendment

Before you apply the amendments to the bill, open the A2As and target amendment in a temporary list to make the edits

 Detailed steps to update the target amendment
  1. From the Amendment Manager, filter the amendments by status “Made” and “Made on Division”

  2. Select all the A2As and the target amendment and open them in a temporary list (Amendment Actions > Create temporary list)

  3. Update the target amendment with each of the A2As

Step 2: Apply amendments to the bill


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