This section brings together parts of the user manual relevant to processing and submitting SI/SSIs to TNA.

It includes information on managing dates, managing signatures, sharing SI/SSIs with another Lawmaker organisation, marking SI/SSIs as signed, checking SI/SSIs, submitting to TNA, marking SI/SSIs as submitted, and generating Large Print PDFs.

Lawmaker introduction

See the Getting started section for general introductory material Introductory training videos for SIs and SSIs .

Editing SIs and SSIs


Sharing documents

See Sharing a document with another organisation.

Checking documents


Submitting SI/SSIs to TNA


Generating Large Print (20pt Arial) PDFs

To generate a large print version of an SI or SSI, select the Large Print option in the Generate PDF dialogue box - see Generating and viewing a PDF.

Working with SI/SSI drafters

See Tips for SI & SSI drafters working with processing teams