Document checks - validating your document
As you draft your document, there are a set of validation rules being applied to check the document is correct. These rules check both that the underlying XML is valid (and therefore the document can successfully be published downstream) and they also pick up some more general drafting and formatting issues.
Errors that relate to the XML show in the XML Warnings panel. These errors occur when the XML does not meet the Akoma Ntoso XML specification. Lawmaker is designed overall to minimise the possibility of triggering these errors but there are still some cases where they can occur. Future releases of Lawmaker will target the remaining cases to reduce the chance of errors showing here during the normal use of Lawmaker. In the meantime, if you encounter a error in this panel that you can’t readily resolve (e.g. by clicking Undo or by renumbering the document) then raise a support request and the support team will help fix the issue - see Support and Lawmaker support portal .
All other errors show in the Document checks panel.
How to review the validity of your document
Click on the Document Checks panel icon at the right hand side of the editor. This will expand the panel if it is not already visible.
All validation rules that have been broken will be presented as a list of tiles. Clicking on a tile will jump to the affected provision in the document.
You can filter out some of the errors by deselecting one or more of the categories shown at the top of the panel (i.e. “Drafting”, “Preflight”, “References”, “Spaces”).
Any validation error will also be shown in the Editor as underlining of the affected provision. If you hover over the provision then a tooltip containing the error message will be shown.
Using quick fixes
Any “quick fixes” available to correct the error will be shown at the bottom of the relevant tile in the Document Checks panel preceded by a plus symbol. For example, “Remove trailing spaces” is a quick fix to delete the trailing space identified at the end of this provision:
Click on the quick fix to trigger it.
You can also click on the quick fix within a validation tooltip.
Note that it may take a long time for the quick fix to be completed and for the document check panel to update if you are working in a large document.