[Lords] Cloning amendments
See Moving or copying amendments to a different stage (including ping pong motions) for steps on how to ‘clone’ (copy) an amendment to a different stage
You can now copy amendments to different stages which is essentially the same things as “Clone” (a feature from Lords Amendment System (LAS)).
Make sure you select “Copy amendment to a different stage” as this will perform the following steps:
remove any assigned number
remove its DNumber (unique identifier e.g. HoL1) and assign a new one
leave the copied amendment assigned to its current stage/bill version
remove any proposer and supporters
remove any lifecycle events from it (e.g. if it had been submitted or tabled) so that it appears as ‘Draft’ once copied to the new stage
The difference between move and copy:
Move will simply move the amendment (and all its associated data & event history) from one stage/bill version to another, bring with the amendment all its history and metadata.
Copy will duplicate the amendment the amendment, creating a new version and stripping it of non-relevant data as described above.