Training Module: Drafting traditional amendments
Inserting/deleting amendments or interstitial headings
Managing proposers and supporters
Bulk update of proposers and supporters
Managing amendment information
Getting Started
Before you start this exercise, you will need a published bill. For these exercises, create a project containing a published version of the following Bill:
The following steps will allow you to create the data required for this exercise.
Exercise 1: Drafting amendments in a List of Draft Amendments (LoDA)
This exercise will show you have to create a traditional List of Draft Amendments (LoDA) to start drafting traditional style amendments in.
Step 1: Create a traditional LoDA
From Amendment Workspace tab, create a new traditional LoDA
Step 2: Insert a new clause amendment
The insert menu in a traditional LoDA gives you various pre-populated amendment options, including New Clause amendments. Recreate the following new clause amendment—
Step 3: Insert a page-line (insert structure) amendment
The insert menu in a traditional LoDA gives you various pre-populated amendment options, including page-line amendments. Recreate the following page-line amendment with structure—
Step 4: Insert a stand part motion
The insert menu in a traditional LoDA gives you various pre-populated amendment options, including stand part motions. Recreate the following stand part motion—
Step 5: Insert an amendment to an amendment
The insert menu in a traditional LoDA gives you various pre-populated amendment options, including amendment to amendment. Recreate the following 2 x amendments to amendments—
Step 6: Update location information for the amendment to an amendments
Location information is used by Lawmaker to automatically sort amendments in the official lists. In most amendments, the location and instruction elements contain enough information for Lawmaker to parse and auto-populate the location information. Amendments to amendments often don’t contain enough context so the location information must be manually populated.
Update the location table for the second amendment to amendment as follows—
Exercise 2: Managing proposers and supporters
This exercise will how you how to update proposers and supporters against your amendments.
Step 1: Update the proposer on an individual amendment
To update the proposer and/or amendment on a single amendment, click on the blue Proposer element
Step 2: Bulk update proposers and supporters
If you want to update all or a subset of amendments in one go, use the bulk update option
Exercise 3: Creating amendments with cross references
It’s possible to create cross references within the quoted structure of amendments to provisions within the published bill or to other provisions within the quoted structure or other amendments' quoted structures.
Step 1: Create a cross reference to a provision in the bill
We will create a cross reference to section 13 and put it into the amendment to Clause 1, Page 1, Line 9.
Recreate the following cross reference in the amendment—
Step 2: Create a cross reference to a provision in a new clause amendment
We will create a cross reference to subsection (3) in the new clause amendment.
Recreate the following cross reference in the amendment—
Exercise 4: Copying and pasting amendments
It’s possible to create new amendments by copying and pasting them into your LoDA which can be useful when you have lots of similar amendments to draft. If you paste an amendment into a different LoDA where it doesn’t already appear, it will create a new instance of the same amendment rather than create a copy. This can be useful when you want to create different lists containing the same amendment.
Step 1: Copy and paste an amendment in the same LoDA
Create a copy of the amendment to Clause 1, Page 1, Line 9
Step 2: Copy and paste an amendment in a different LoDA
Create a copy of the amendment to Clause 1, Page 1, Line 9
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