Copying provisions from multiple documents

Copying provisions from multiple documents

You can ‘pull’ provisions from multiple documents into a single document.  Combined with the feature allowing you to copy documents from other projects, this could be useful when merging different bill projects into a single bill or when compiling a single Finance Resolution Document from lots of separate Finance Resolution documents.

How to copy provisions from multiple documents

  1. Open the document you want to pull provisions from multiple documents into

  2. From the upper tool bar, select 'Tools > Copy provision from multiple documents...'

  3. Select the documents you want to copy from using the check boxes

  4. Select whether you want to:

    1. renumber the document after the copy

    2. update x-refs in target document after copy

    3. add a comment (enter comment text if you select this option)

  5. Select 'Copy provisions' to pull the provisions into your document


Hints and tips

If a provision already exists, it will be replaced by the selected provision. 

If it doesn't exist but the sibling provision before the selected provision exists in the target document, Lawmaker will insert it after the sibling.

If Lawmaker couldn't find an 'anchor' provision, the copied provisions will be inserted at the end of the document. 

You can only pull provisions from another document if the document doesn't contain locks to other users

You can only pull in provisions from documents of the same type.  This is particularly relevant to Finance Bill projects containing Finance Resolutions: it's not possible to pull finance resolutions into finance bills.  You will need to use copy & paste to handle that.

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