v.17.1 [WIP] Finance Bill Test Script

v.17.1 [WIP] Finance Bill Test Script

Test Case

Expected outcome

Pass / Fail

Tester’s Comments

Test Case

Expected outcome

Pass / Fail

Tester’s Comments


Create Finance Bill project

Creating a Finance Bill/Finance Resolution

From the dashboard, click on the + New button in the top right above the project tiles/list

The system will ask you to provide the following information:

>Type: UK Public Bill

>Sub-type: Finance Bill

>pick a Title

Click Create

Able to create a Finance Bill project

Pass Fail (delete as appropriate)



Create Finance Resolution Document

Creating a Finance Bill/Finance Resolution | How to create an empty Finance Resolution document (in an existing Finance Bill...

From the Project tab, click on the + New FR button in the top right

The system will ask you to provide the following information:


>Version description (must be unique across the whole project)

Click Create


A new Finance Resolution document version is created and and displayed as a green tile on the project tab in the appropriate folder with a "FR" badge.

Pass Fail



Mark Resolution as s.5 PCTA resolution

Marking s.5 PCTA resolutions

Place the cursor in the resolution that you would like to mark as a s.5 PCTA resolution, then:

>From the upper toolbar, select Tools > Mark/unmark as s.5 PCTA resolution, or

>Right-click on the resolution and select “Mark/unmark as s.5 PCTA resolution”, or

>In the structure view, right-click and select “Mark/unmark as s.5 PCTA resolution”

The system will mark the selected resolution as a s.5 PCTA resolution and a green 's.5 PCTA' label will appear before the resolution (visible in the Editor only).

Able to mark resolutions as s.5 PCTA resolutions

Green s.5 PCTA labels appear in the editor before resolutions marked as such

Pass Fail



Renumber Finance Resolution Document

Renumbering provisions

Insert some resolutions

Manually change the numbering of some of them, or drag-and-drop in the Structure View to change the ordering

Click the Renumber icon in the toolbar

In the modal, select ‘Whole document’

Document should be renumbered from 1-n

Pass Fail



Insert Table of contents into Finance Resolution Document

Inserting table of contents

From the 'Insert' menu in the toolbar, select "Insert Table of Contents"

If a ToC and PCTA statement existed already, it will be removed and replaced with an updated table of contents and PCTA statement (if there were resolutions marked as being s.5 PCTA statements)

Pass Fail



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