Moving elements in or out of Quoted Structures

Moving elements in or out of Quoted Structures

This page explains how to move existing provisions and other elements (eg: paragraphs, definitions, tables etc):

  • into a Quoted Structure when the provision is currently within the main body of a Bill or SI/SSI, or

  • out of a Quoted structure so the provision becomes the main body of the Bill or SI/SSI.

About quoted structures

Quoted structures are used whenever you are making a textual amendment to another enactment to insert new provisions into that enactment. See Quoted structures.

In Lawmaker, elements are organised hierarchically so a provision (e.g. a paragraph) making an amendment will contain the quoted structure and the quoted structure will contain the provisions being inserted. Therefore, you can not simply add a quoted structure to an existing provision or delete the existing one, but instead need to move the provision either into or out of the quoted structure.

Moving Provisions into a Quoted Structure

To move existing provisions into a quoted structure:

  1. Ensure the Structure View is expanded so it is showing all levels. Click on the icon so it shows a double down arrow:

  2. In the main Editor window, click on the provision where you want the quoted structure and press Ctrl+Q to insert a quoted structure. For the starting element, select the provision type that is the same as the provisions you want to move. For further help see Quoted structures

  3. In the structure view, expand both the provisions that contain the provisions to be moved AND the provision containing the newly created quoted structure.

  4. Drag and drop the provision into the new quoted structure.

  5. Finally, delete the (empty) starting element of quoted structure that was inserted when you first created the quoted structure:

    1. Click on the empty provision in the Structure view. It may look something like this

    2. Press Delete on your keyboard

Moving existing provisions out of a Quoted Structure

  1. Ensure the Structure View is expanded so it is showing all levels. Click on the icon so it shows a double down arrow:

  2. Expand the provision containing the quoted structure. Continue expanding the quoted structure until you can see the contents of the quoted structure.

  3. If required, expand the provision where you want move the provisions in the quoted structure to.

  4. In the structure view, drag and drop the provision from the quoted structure to the provision where you want it.

  5. If you moved a numbered provision out of a quoted structure, it may have been locked so you will need to unlock it so that it will be properly renumbered in future. See Locking and unlocking numbers.

  6. If your quoted structure is now empty, you should delete it. See Deleting provisions and other elements .

When dragging and dropping things in the structure view, other elements in the structure view will turn red if they are an invalid place in the document to move the thing to, and green if it is valid.

For more information see Moving provisions, tables and amendments within a document .




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