SI/SSI Test Script
Test Case | Expected outcome | Pass / Fail | Tester's Comments | |
1 | Login to Lawmaker as an SIH or SGLD User | Dashboard displayed (or last tab associated with the project you last viewed) | Pass Fail (delete as appropriate) |
2 | Create a New Project
Title must begin with “The” and end in a year; Regulations or Orders must contain the word “Regulations” or “Order” | Create new project modal is shown Includes Type, Sub-type, Title, and Procedure fields Able to select ‘UK Statutory Instruments’ from Type drop-down When UK SI is the Type, Sub-type drop-down shows 12 entries, including Regulations, Order, Rules, Resolution, Other When Scottish SI is the Type, Sub-type drop-down shows 9 entries, including Regulations, Order, Rules, Resolution, Other Procedure drop-down shows 8 options, including Draft Affirmative, Draft Negative, Made Affirmative, Made Negative
| Pass Fail |
3 | Add the required information to the fields in the modal and click Create
| Editor opens and an empty template document is displayed in the Editor Title in the Editor matches the name I specified Document Information panel in the Editor shows the correct information New project is visible on the main Lawmaker dashboard The project is not visible to users in other organisations | Pass Fail |
4 | Edit the Title from the Document Information panel in the Editor | In the Editor, the Title is updated at the top of the doc After saving, the Title is also updated in the Project tab (Press F5 to refresh the page) | Pass Fail |
5 | Add a Subject, Extent and Sub-subject Managing Subject, Extent and Subsubject Add another subject Remove sub-subject Click ‘Cancel’ in the modal Edit a subject | Subject placeholder is updated | Pass Fail |
6 | Type information into the enabling powers placeholders which appear in the enacting words at the start of the SI (You can use these details of some real enabling provisions: sections 29A(3), 30(4) and 96(9) of the Value Added Tax Act 1994) Add extra blocks of text to the enacting words by pressing return twice; Add some sub-paragraphs: press Enter and select Paragraph (a) from the CCA; Press Enter and select Sub-Paragraph (i) from the CCA; Press Enter and select sub-Sub-Paragraph (A)/(aa); Press Enter and select List | The content of the enacting words is updated Additional blocks of text containing paragraphs and sub-paragraphs can be added | Pass Fail |
7 | Add some provisions Inserting provisions and other elements Press Enter to bring up the CCA and select a provision; Once you have created a few provisions, you can copy and paste them to build up the document quicker; You can also copy provisions from an SI/SSI on; Test the behaviour of auto-renumbering by turning this on or off from the Tools menu. When enabled, Paragraphs and sub-paragraphs within provisions are renumbered sequentially as new paragraphs and sub-paragraphs are added in between existing ones; in Schedules, Schedule Paragraphs are renumbered in the same way. When disabled, paragraphs and sub-paragraphs inserted between existing paragraphs or sub-paragraphs are given a Number with a suffix, for example (2A) when the paragraph is inserted between (2) and (3). Schedule paragraphs behave the same way. | Able to add Rules, Articles, or Regulations, depending on the SI sub-type Numbers and Headings appear in bold in the Editor Paragraphs and sub-paragraphs under each top-level provision are indented The numbering will be correct: provisions are given sequential numbers or letters The Structure View on the left-hand side of the Editor window is updated as provisions are added
| Pass Fail |
8 | Create some more complex structure; add Parts and cross headings using the CCA | Can create Parts and Cross headings | Pass Fail |
9 | Promote and demote some elements in a provision | Elements can be promoted and demoted according to the Promotion and Demotion rules | Pass Fail |
10 | Insert Explanatory Notes Smart paste does not currently work inside ENs | Explanatory Notes appear at the end of the document
| Pass Fail |
11 | Insert a Commencement History Block | Commencement History Block appears at the end of Document Heading is ‘NOTE AS TO EARLIER COMMENCEMENT ORDERS’ Table consists of three columns: Provision, Date of Commencement, and S.I. No.
| Pass Fail |
12 | Save the document | A progress bar appears and progresses to 100% A message is displayed saying ‘Document Saved’ On the project tab, the version’s last modified date/time is the same as the date/time it was saved | Pass Fail |
13 | Insert a Table of Contents | Table of Contents is inserted at the start of the document Entries in the ToC correspond to the structure created in the text of the doc | Pass Fail |
14 | Generate a PDF | PDF is created Green success toastie displays in bottom-right of screen Toastie includes a link to the PDF Expanding the version snapshots on the Project Tab shows a PDF entry From the Actions menu next to that snapshot version, ‘View PDF’ can be selected PDF formatting resembles other SIs on | Pass Fail |
15 | Generate a Large Print PDF | Large print PDF is created and the text looks okay (check for overlapping content) | Pass Fail |
16 | Close the Editor Click on Close Editor button (top-left) | If no changes have been made to the document since it was last saved, the Editor tab closes If changes have been made since the last save, a modal appears prompting you to save the document Able to select Save changes, Discard changes, or Cancel If save or discard are selected, the browser tab for the Editor is closed If Cancel is selected, the Editor tab remains open | Pass Fail |
17 | Duplicate a document version | On the project tab, a new folder (optional) and document version is created Labels for the new folder and new version match the text added in the modal | Pass Fail |
18 | Move a document version | Able to move document to a new or alternative folder | Pass Fail |
19 | Create a new blank working version in the Project | New document created and displayed as a green tile on the project tab under the appropriate folder | Pass Fail |
20 | Add and change some document information using the Document Information panel, including the Date and SI number | Date and SI Number appear above the subject | Pass Fail |
21 | Add and update made, laid and coming-into-force dates Test Add, Update and Delete functions in the modal Insert ‘Other’ Date | The Dates at the start of the document are updated accordingly | Pass Fail |
22 | Insert a Signature Block | A signature block is inserted Add text in some boxes Ensure a Seal is added for Test 25 (Creating zip file) | Pass Fail |
23 | From the Insert menu, select Insert Front Matter Elements Select one of the following Options: Laid in draft Correction Resolution Royal Presence (Do not test the ‘Approved’ option at this stage) Click Insert | A modal appears which includes a ‘Front matter element’ pull-down list; the list contains five options Modal includes a drop-down menu for Front matter elements The ‘Rubric’ option pull-down list in the modal changes depending on what Front matter element is selected On clicking Insert, the Rubric is inserted at the start of the document | Pass Fail |
24 | Duplicate document and Convert to Made | XML is updated from Bill/ukdsi to Act/uksi Draft is removed from the banner Removes procedural rubric | Pass Fail |
25 | Mark a version of the document as Signed Currently (v.15.3.0 and v.16.0) it is only possible to perform this and the next two actions on a generated PDF which is labelled ‘PDF’; if another label has been given to the PDF then this option won’t appear in the menu. | A significant version of the document is created, labelled “Signed” and visible on the right-hand side of the Project tab Other users in the same organisation will be able to view that significant version | Pass Fail |
26 | Download a zip file of a document from the Project tab | A zip file is created containing XML, PDF and TIFF files | Pass Fail |
27 | Submit a version of the document to TNA | Success message toastie displays A new significant version is created, labelled ‘Submitted to TNA’ Document available on the API | Pass Fail |
28 | Add the Approved rubric Open the SI in the Editor From the Insert menu, select ‘Inserting Front Matter Elements’ Under ‘Front matter element’, Select ‘Approved’ Select one of the ‘Approved by’ options and click Insert | The Rubric options modal lists several Approved by options The appropriate rubric is inserted above the Date Block | Pass Fail |