v.18.1 UK Bill Test Script

v.18.1 UK Bill Test Script

Test Case

Expected outcome

Pass / Fail

Tester’s Comments

Test Case

Expected outcome

Pass / Fail

Tester’s Comments


Login to Lawmaker as an OPC user

Overview of Lawmaker

Dashboard displayed (or last tab associated with the project you last viewed)

Top-right menu on the dashboard shows that I am logged in with my username

Able to see projects that have been created by OPC users

Able to see projects that have a published Bill or Act in them from other organisations

Unable to see projects created by other organisations that do not have a published Bill in them




Create a New Bill Project

Select UK Public Bill > Government Bill

Creating a new project

Ensure you include the word “Bill” at the end of the project/bill Title as a real bill would (this is necessary to test bill-to-act conversion later on in the script)

A new project is created, visible only to users in the same organisation as the current user

It appears on the main Dashboard

Project tab opens for the new document

Editor opens in a new tab showing an empty template document



EG v.18.1 test Bill - Lawmaker


Check and edit document information for the Bill using the Document Information panel in the Editor

Managing document information

Note that there is sometimes a delay between changing a value in this panel and the text changing in the main editor pane

Document information is updated in the main editor window

Able to edit: Title, Session, Year, Rubric




Create some content in the Editor using the CCA

Inserting provisions and other elements

Click on the Body placeholder

Press Enter on your keyboard to bring up the CCA

Add a section and some sub-sections

Build-up the Bill Structure by creating: Parts, Chapters, and Cross Headings.

Create some other elements, like definitions lists.



CCA is displayed

Able to creates a realistic looking Bill within the Editor

Structure view (left-hand side of the Editor window) is updated in line with new elements created in the Editor





Insert two or more schedules

The "SCHEDULES" heading will appear before the first schedule

When inserting three or more schedules:

If “Auto-renumbering” is OFF then schedules will not be renumbered 

If “Auto renumbering” is ON then schedules will still not be renumbered




Press Ctrl+S or click on the Save button

Saving your document

A progress bar appears and progresses to 100%

A message is displayed saying ‘Document Saved’

On the project tab, the version last modified is the same as the time it was saved




Renumber the whole Bill

Renumbering provisions

Locking and unlocking numbers

All provisions will be renumbered sequentially including all their descendants.

This action shouldn’t renumber any locked numbers, and those locked numbers will influence subsequent numbers




Add one or more J-Refs to Sections or Schedules

Managing J-refs

J-Refs are displayed in the Editor in Red

Each J-ref is also visible in the structure view




Create cross reference(s) to sections that contain J-refs.

Click Tag X-refs


Right-click on the provision in the Structure view you want to refer to (pick the section or schedule you labelled with a J-ref in the preceding step)

From the context menu that appears, select the reference you want to copy from the Select x-ref to copy sub-menu. (The menu will show all the different options for referring to the provision so you can select whether or not you want to include the provision name - e.g. “section” - and whether any ancestor provisions should be included in the reference.

This will place the selected cross-reference in the clipboard.

To insert the reference, place your cursor in the Editor where you would like the cross reference to be inserted and press Ctrl+v to paste in the reference.

Able to copy a reference out of the structure view

Able to paste a reference in another part of the document

Able toggle on and off to display the J-ref in cross-references (from the toolbar: Tools > Show/hide J-refs in cross references) and these J-refs are then shown alongside the pasted cross references




Turn on Tracked Changes

Delete one or more elements, insert one or more elements, and move one or more elements

Using tracked changes

Inserted and deleted elements are display in the editor and blue (insert) or red (deleted)




Insert a Table of Contents

Inserting table of contents

Table of Contents is inserted at the start of the document

"Front cover" appears in the Structure View




Generate a PDF

Generating and viewing a PDF


  • ‘Show tracked changes’ is selected

  • ‘Show J-Refs in margins’ is selected

  • 'Show J-Refs within cross references' is selected

  • Deselect ‘Record Snapshot’

  • Add a Version Description

PDF is generated in separate tab

Table of Contents is included

Tracked changes are displayed in red for deleted text; blue for inserted text

J-Refs are shown in margins

J-Refs are shown next to x-refs

No snapshot is visible on the Project tab





Make some more small changes in the Editor and then close the Editor using the Close button in the top-left

Prompted to Save changes




Duplicate a document

Duplicating a document version

Click the Actions menu next to a particular version

Select ‘Duplicate’

In the modal, add a new folder and give the version a new name

New folder created with a duplicated version inside it




Open a document version in the Editor

Click the fold button in the toolbar, then use the Structure View to expand a particular provision

Folding provisions

To test this in a realistic document, import a reasonably large Bill, such as this one: Social Housing (Regulation) Act 2023

Steps for importing are here: https://lawmaker.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/USERMANUAL/pages/186941441

In the Editor, click the Fold button to collapse all provisions

Now select a section from the structure view

The Editor will jump to the selected provision, and unfold it, showing the content

fold button
fold button




Create a new working version

On the Project tab, click Document Actions

Select Create New working version

In the modal, create a new folder or select an existing folder

Input a new name for the new version

Click Create

Use the CCA to add some sections to the new working version

Save and close the editor

A new working version is created which appears on the 'Project' tab under the appropriate folder heading.

Clicking on it to open it in the Editor will reveal an empty new document, allowing you to start drafting

Able to save and close the new working version




Edit Portion of a document


The selected subset of provisions is opened in the Editor

The highest level provisions e.g. sections, regulations or Parts, will have their numbers locked so that when you renumber the document, they do not get automatically updated




Close the Editor and Finalise the document

Tick all options in the Finalise modal


All provisions in the document, including provisions in quoted structures, are renumbered

All existing cross references in the document are updated accordingly, including those within quoted structures

If ‘Insert Front Cover’ is selected: any existing front cover is replaced, including the Table of Contents

If ‘Insert Table of Contents’ is selected: any existing table of contents is replaced, but other parts of the front cover are left as they are




Move a version to a new folder


Selected version is moved to another existing folder or to the newly created folder specified in the modal




Share a version with the House of Commons


A Significant version of the Bill is created on the project tab

This version is also visible to HoC users

This version is not visible to users in other organisations




Login as a HoC user and navigate to the project created by OPC in previous steps

Dashboard displayed (or last tab associated with the project you last viewed)

Top-right menu on the dashboard shows that I am logged in with my username

Able to see projects that have been created by HoC users

Able to see projects that have a published Bill or Act in them from other organisations

Unable to see projects created by other organisations that do not have a published Bill in them

In the bill project created by OPC in previous steps, a significant version of the Bill is visible on the project tab with the same name as the original working version




Make a working copy of the significant version

A working version of the Bill is created, duplicating the content of the significant version

The new working version appears in the selected folder or newly created folder (with the name specified in the modal)

Able to open and edit the new working version




Mark sections/schedule paragraphs/subsections/schedule sub-paragraphs in a UK Bill as a "money provision" so that it (and all its descendants) is rendered in italics in the Editor and PDF


Able to set provisions as money provisions

Money provisions should appear italic in the Editor and in the generated PDF

Descendants of those provisions also display in italics




Update document information for the new working version

Managing document information

Example details to add/change:

Session: 58/1, Bill year: 2021, Bill number: Bill 221, version rubric: "As introduced", printed by: "House of Commons"

Bill title and version rubric are updated in the editor, corresponding to the changes made in the Doc Info panel

On the Dashboard showing all projects, Bill number and session are updated




Manage proposers and supporters on a Bill in the Editor

Managing document information

Able to add and remove proposers and supporters

Able to change the order of names by dragging and dropping in a different order




Add Back cover to the Bill


Back cover will be inserted at the end of the Bill in the Editor

The back cover shows the Bill is being introduced by the proposer

The back cover shows the Bill is being supported by the supporters

The back cover shows the introduction date




Re-insert the Back cover after changing proposers and supporters and updating the printed date

Back cover is reinserted and replaces the existing one

Proposers/supporters names are updated

The printed date is updated




Insert a Front cover


Front cover shows the Bill title in the editor

Any existing Table of Contents is replaced with an up-to-date Table of Contents




Generate a PDF of the Bill with changes applied, line numbering, and footers; include a footer note; ensure ‘Record snapshot version’ is ticked

Generating and viewing a PDF

PDF opens in new tab

The PDF contains line numbering and footers

Footer note text is correct

Output PDF shows changes applied




Publish a significant version of the generated PDF


Significant version created on the right-hand side of the Project tab

Significant version visible to users in other organisations

Copy of the Bill is accessible through the PDR API




Create an ‘as amended’ folder and version by duplicating the published version

New working version with the specified name in the specified folder is created




Open the newly created ‘as amended’ version in the Editor and change some Document Information:

Change the ‘printed' date

Update the document rubric to ‘as amended in Committee’

Re-insert the front and back covers

Save and close the Editor

Able to update the document information from the Editor

Text shown in the main Editor pane updates accordingly

Text on the front and back covers is updated accordingly




Generate a PDF and publish the ‘as amended’ version

Significant version created on the right-hand side of the Project tab

Significant version visible to users in other organisations

Copy of the Bill is accessible through the PDR API




Generate the House Bill


Able to generate a House Bill

First page of the PDF shows the year, bill short title and long title with appropriate styling






Share a new copy with the House of Lords


Significant version created on the right-hand side of the Project Tab

Significant version label will start with the word ‘Shared’




Login as a HoL user, navigate to the same project, and Duplicate a version of this shared copy to create a new working version

Able to create a new working version in the folder you specify in the modal

Version label has the name you specified in the modal




Update the Document information from the Actions menu on the Project Tab to make this the “as brought from the Commons” version

Specify a Bill number, e.g. HL Bill 29

Specify a ‘brought from’ date

Specify that it is printed by the House of Lords


All changes are possible in the modal

Clicking Update works as expected

When opening the document in the Editor, new document information is visible (you may have to re-insert the front and back covers - see next step)




Open this version in the Editor and reinsert the front and back covers

Able to reinsert the front and back covers

Back cover shows correct version rubric and brought from/printed by dates





Generate a PDF of this version and then create a Significant version

Generating and viewing a PDF https://lawmaker.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/USERMANUAL/pages/688381

Able to generate PDF

Able to select Publish version from the Actions menu next to the PDF snapshot

Warning modal is displayed

On clicking Publish, a new significant version is created on the right-hand side of the Project Tab

Version is accessible through the PDR API with the correct House and docType values




Create an ‘as amended’ folder by duplicating a version

New working version with the specified name in the specified folder is created




Open the newly created ‘as amended’ version in the editor and change some Document Information:

Change the ‘printed' date

Update the document rubric

Re-insert the front and back covers

Text shown in the main Editor pane update accordingly

Text on the front and back covers is updated accordingly




Create an Act version of the Bill


New working version created containing an Act version of the bill

Act title is correct

Text on the cover and preface change accordingly in the main Editor pane




Generate a PDF of this Act version; ensure ‘Record snapshot’ is ticked

PDF snapshot is generated




Submit the Act to TNA


From the Actions menu next to the PDF snapshot, select ‘Submit to TNA’

Warning is displayed, with Submit and Cancel buttons

On clicking Submit, a new Significant version is created

The Act is available through the PDR API




Download a ZIP of the Act and resolve dates in the XML


Able to download a ZIP of the Act

ZIP contains the Act XML, PDF, and any images



















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