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LMS-2327 Improve List Creation/user experience [placeholder]

Summary of Feature Improvement

Improve the functionality of Lists to make drafting lists more intuitive, including deleting items, inserting the first item above others already in the list and creating sub-lists.

Detailed Description

Deleted Items

If the text placeholder on a list item is deleted, the bullet point is left behind creating invalid content, which users are then struggling to remove. To permanently delete the Item, the user must first select it from the breadcrumb, which is not proving intuitive.

Option 1 is to leave as placeholder, ie: reinsert the text placeholder or do not allow the deletion of the placeholder

Option 2 is fully delete the list item, if it contains no text.

Back to Back Lists

A mandatory document check error - there are two back to back list created, when there should only be one - is created, when the first list item is inserted above the other(s) in a list. The steps below are the ‘natural’ user behaviour:

  • Create a list and type in some text

  • Place the cursor in the provision above the list

  • Press Enter and select ‘List’

  • Type in some text

Expected Result: The first item is inserted into the list

Actual Result: A new list is created, with the document check error mentioned above.

Potential Solution: In the CCA, if there is a list following the paragraph, present the Option to use ‘List Item’ [as well as List?]. If there is no following list, only present the option of List.


It is not very intuitive on how to create sub-lists in Lawmaker - users need to ‘demote’ the Item. A quick fix maybe to add ‘Sub-list’ to the CCA. A more intuitive solution, is maybe to replace demote/promote with Tab/Shift Tab (similar to Word). Tab is currently used to move the cursor between the different elements.


Feature logged

Lawmaker components affected

Editor, SI/SSIs

Raised by organisation(s)


Planned version to be included in (if any)


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