LMS-778 Add validation to Order of Consideration modal

LMS-778 Add validation to Order of Consideration modal

Feature summary request

Add validation to the Order of Consideration modal that checks whether the entries have been filled in correctly, and reports any issues through error messages. The error messages could contain external links to the user manual, providing further information on the errors and suggesting ways of solving the issues. The OoC modal validation will prevent users from creating an incorrect Order of Consideration.

E.g.: if a user enters ‘Schedule(s) 1 to 1’ but the bill has only one schedule, when the users clicks on save the OoC should throw an error message saying that there is no schedule 1 in that document (and the order should not be saved?).

Original description

The Lords encountered an issue when generating a list recently where there was a red error message on the ‘Generate List’ dialog box saying:

Form Error

Error: Couldn’t find provision sch_1 in the published Bill

After some help from their Lawmaker Product Owner, they were able to work out the issue stemmed from the Order of Consideration: they had written Schedule(s) 1 to 1 when they should have left the values empty as it was a 1 schedule bill.

Is it possible to update issues stemming from the Order of Consideration so that they refer to it to help users sort out any problems they encounter?

Suggested rephrase:

Form Error

Order of Consideration Error: Couldn’t find provision sch_1 in the published Bill

I’m sure there are better arrangements of words which will be just as clear.




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