LMS-184 Clear amendment numbers

LMS-184 Clear amendment numbers

Feature improvement summary

Add a feature to remove all amendment numbers from a list in the Editor. This feature should be an option (e.g. ‘Remove Amendment Numbers’) displayed within the Tools upper toolbar menu. Once clicked, a warning message should appear to make sure the user still wants to trigger the action (e.g.: ‘This will remove all amendment numbers, but nod Dnums. Are you sure you want to proceed?’)

Original description

OPC have submitted amendments with numbers to the Lords. The Lords were annoyed as it meant having to remove the numbers one by one. I can see why it’s useful to OPC to use the numbers. Lords have asked OPC to stop submitting them with numbers. But wouldn’t it be better to have a one-click feature that cleared amendment numbers so that people don’t need to worry about using amendment numbers.

Perhaps this could live on the ‘Renumber Amendments' modal, accessed from the Tools upper toolbar in the Editor for Amendment Lists.


Feature logged

Lawmaker components affected

Amendment Lists, Amendments, Editor

Raised by organisation(s)


Planned version to be included in (if any)


Related development ticket(s)


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